Progress and News
Status Map of Projects Along NRHT
August 2021 Vigo County opened its 1.1-mile boardwalk-style causeway trail connecting Terre Haute with West Terre Haute along the north edge of the Wabashiki Fish & Wildlife Preserve, next to highway US 150. This major project was funded by the Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program and local match. The city of Richmond opened its first half mile of the Riverside Heritage Trail on the east side of the city along the Whitewater River. This paved trail was funded by a Recreational Trails Program grant and local match. It will become part of the trail connector between the Cardinal Greenway and the state of Ohio for the cross-state National Road Heritage Trail and the cross-country Great American Rail Trail. Hancock County opened its first mile of paved Pennsy Trail from CR 400W to CR 500W, between Cumberland's and Greenfield's Pennsy Trails. This paved upgrade was funded by the Transportation Alternatives Program and local match. It is not yet connected, but Hancock County was awarded a state of Indiana Next Level Trails grant to build another 1.3 miles of Pennsy Trail west to connect to Cumberland's Pennsy Trail by the end of 2022. In the NRHT interactive map, zoom in to these locations to see the route details.
April 2021 The Pleasant Run Trail upgrades rerouted about 1 mile of trail to improve separation from motor vehicle traffic and facilitate trail user navigation along the meandering greenway trail route. The newest section of Pennsy Trail reclaimed a route through urban development that required and also benefits from creative routing and terrain changes not typical of a rail-trail. Pleasant Run
Pennsy Trail
March 2021
January 2021
2020 Causeway trail construction in process along US 150 New causeway trail will connect the "A" points on this map, excerpted from the overall cross-state NRHT interactive map. October 2020 This is part of a
3.7-mile extension project, the rest of which will
complete the trail connection to Cumberland's Pennsy
Trail in 2021.
2020 On October 3, the White
Lick Creek & Vandalia Trail Alliance held
its 2nd annual fundraising bike ride, this year called
the Airport Loop Bike Ride around the Indianapolis
International Airport. 110 participants came out
for the event, including 90 cyclists on 20, 10, &
5-mile routes and 20 hikers and 12 sponsors supported
the event with generous donations and on-site
displays. All enjoyed the nice cool, sunny weather
during the tour around the airport's perimeter roads. It was very good to see such strong support for development of the White Lick Creek Greenway and Vandalia Trail bike/pedestrian facilities in western Indianapolis to connect to Plainfield and west, Avon area and north, and east into Indianapolis. Many thanks to the Indianapolis Airport Authority for offering their roads and generous planning support and sponsorship for the event and for their police force's very effective help escorting and providing traffic security at key intersections for the large group of cyclists spread out around their facility. Also, a big thanks to the Bridgeport Central Baptist Church for making their nice parking lot and facilities available as the ideal staging point for the event. The other sponsors of the event
were: Here are a few photos plus a link to more.
March 2020 Monthly NRHT, Inc. Bike Rides Planned for 2020: NRHT, Inc. has planned
a series of free monthly bike rides to explore
the open sections of the cross-state National
Road Heritage Trail and to enjoy the local
culture of each area. Below are the dates that
are set this Spring and summer and
the maximum mileages. The out and
back routes allow riders to choose
shorter distances and still ride
with the group. Most rides will include 2 trails
connected by low traffic on-road sections.
Individual announcements will be made for each
ride giving starting times and
locations and more details on the surface
types, etc. For a preview, visit
the NRHT maps page. May 16 - Terre
Haute/Vigo County (NRHT, ISU trails,
Wabashiki Trail) [22 miles] Sep 19 - Putnam County (People Pathways, Vandalia Trail, Putnam Nature Trail) [30 miles]