March 28-29 2012

Hendricks County Parks & Recreation Holds Public Meetings on the TE Project Phase I - Mar 28-29 2012

On March 28 and 29, the Hendricks County Parks and Recreation Board held Public Information Meetings in the towns of Clayton and Amo to discuss and receive public comments on the acquisition of right-of-way and the design of the proposed Vandalia Trail 8-mile extension from Amo to Cartersburg. William Roche, Hendricks County Parks & Recreation Superintendent, explained to the attendees that after much deliberation, the Parks Board had applied for and was awarded in 2008 a Transportation Enhancement (TE) grant for acquisition of corridor for this proposed future trail. Click here for news on the grant award. The grant funds administered by the Indiana Department of Transportation became available this year, so these meetings were the first step in the process of directing their use.

Representatives for the Parks Department's consultant and trail design firm, Butler, Fairman, & Seufert, presented the process of public input, route research, and communication that will follow. The attendees, 50+ in Clayton and 30+ in Amo, were then invited to review the panels of maps and information and to ask questions, provide input, and send in comments by April 12. All of that information would then be incorporated into the planning, research, and future contacts for this acquisition project that is Phase I of the trail development.